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Technical Documents > Audio Documents

Documenti tecnici (Progetti; descrizioni circuitali; audio multicanale; acustica degli ambienti di ascolto; pubblicazioni didattiche, etc.)
Technical documents (Projects; circuit descriptions; multichannel audio; rooms acoustics; educational publications, etc.

Cataloghi e listini prezzi di vari marchi audio
Catalogues and price lists of various audio brands

Cataloghi di dischi "Audiophile" (Original Master Recordings, Crystal Clear, DBX, Denon, JVC CD-4, Nautilus, etc.
Catalogues of "Audiophile" discs (Original Master Recordings, Crystal Clear, DBX, Denon, JVC CD-4, Nautilus, etc.)

Raccolta dei bollettini "3M Scotch - Sound Talk and Bulletins"
A collection of "3M Scotch - Sound Talk and Bulletins"

Lista completa in formato testo di tutti i documenti PDF di questa pagina
Full list in text format of all the PDF documents in this page

Una serie di risorse e di documenti, prelevabili gratuitamente dalla sezione "Historical Committee" dell'AES (Audio Engineering Society).
A series of resources and documents, available free of charge from the "Historical Committee" section of the AES (Audio Engineering Society).

Presentazione della loro attivitą, dalla pagina sopra linkata:
"The AES Historical Committee is an international forum open to all who wish to investigate and learn about the achievements of those pioneers whose innovative ideas and inventions have contributed to audio's rich past. Dedicated to the preservation of over a century of audio history, the Committee is developing a broad-based history of audio engineering and the audio industry. AES membership is encouraged but not required."

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